Meet the Patient: Alicia White

Meet the Patient: Alicia White

The Tick Chicks website + Lyme Time podcast

1. What’s your story? Can you just share where you’ve been and where you are now in terms of your health/life?

I experienced chronic, debilitating pain and neurological symptoms out of nowhere and went un-and-mis diagnosed for six years.  I had trouble getting out of bed from nerve pain, trouble walking, dysautonomia, and crippling fatigue amongst other unrecognizable symptoms.  Nothing was working as I pinballed my way from specialist to specialist.  Finally, an oncologist who was familiar with Lyme disease and couldn’t explain nodules forming on my body recommended the Igenex test.  That positive test result was followed by another doctor who ordered another test and it was positive as well.  I had my answer but was faced with the realization that not many western physicians knew how to proceed, they merely prescribed things to help symptom control.  I could feel isolation and desperation creep in and I was filled with astonishment and anger that I had access to all THE doctors in Los Angeles and was still unclear about my path.

Through a series of self-monitoring and a relentless quest for my previous life, I forged through by myself in order to reach remission.  Today, I am healed, complete, and thriving by maintaining optimum health and being proactive.  I now teach two levels of bootcamps for warriors out there to get them on their way and have an annual retreat with the experts in Lyme disease.  By giving back, I am able to dislodge the disappointment I felt by the medical community and set my sights on a positive outcome for many others who continue their search.

2. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed with all the choices for our healing. If you could only choose 2 things you’d tell people to focus on while healing, what would they be?

I would tell everyone to listen to every episode of my podcast called Lyme Time and to get organized around my “Triad of Healing” model.

3. What do you wish everyone knew about the healing journey from the start?

I wish everyone beginning this journey would know that healing is possible with more patience, intuition, and perseverance than you can ever begin to imagine you possess.

4. Do you have something (words of encouragement or otherwise) you can share for those at their wit’s end?

To those at their wit’s end, it’s okay to have a day off.  Give yourself a mental break day away from the worry and guilt from “not doing it right”.  Focus on what is good around you and do something a “normal” person would do today.  Jam some music, arrange some flowers in your home, fix your hair and get dressed.  Put on your tennis shoes just in case you have 5 minutes in the day to walk around the block.  Be ready for those moments and continue looking for them.

5. What are you reading and/or watching right now? 

Currently watching “The Flight Attendant” thriller series and reading “Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow” by Gabrielle Zevin.  (Escapism is key for me, my daily life is challenging enough without constant analyzation).  I also have a book club called The Pulp at for this very reason.

6. Where can people find you?

Lyme disease information, events, classes, retreats, podcast, store, and discounts are found at  Follow TheTickChicks on Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Meta and Twitter.


What does it really mean to be healed?

Meet the Patient: Alicia White

How to let healing find you

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