Ignore them

This is an excerpt from one of my favorite parts of How To Heal Yourself From Anxiety When No One Else Can.

“Be stronger than anxiety.” “Use your willpower.” “It’s mind over matter.” These are some of the things my clients tell me their friends and family suggest to them in order to speed up the healing process.

If anyone is telling you: IGNORE THEM.

Pushing yourself to “just get over it” (which applies to any condition or challenge) could actually make it significantly worse. Radical change—even change that’s for the better— can cause great resistance within the body, triggering further anxiety.

You don’t have to push yourself. If anyone tells you otherwise, send them to me, ok? 

Regret and hindsight: A new perspective

Why you can’t avoid making life-changing changes

5 Things Anyone Can Do To Optimize Their Mental Wellness

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